Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm not sure what it is ... the past few days I've been afflicted with heavy-feeling headaches, and lethargy. My blood pressure got VERY low yesterday, so I've cut back to half a Lisinopril. But I don't seem to want to do anything ... very unlike the "Jackrabbit," eh?

Got my D*C book in the mail! I'm very excited about seeing Patrick Stewart (sexiest bald man EVAH), Tom Felton, John Noble, and of course Leonard Nimoy. I'm also contemplating funking up my hair for the weekend. I dug out my trusty old box-O-goodies that I used when the Munchkin was pinkified, and I've got:

* Two mixing bowls
* Four sets gloves
* Four applicators (three large and one small)
* Two hair clips
* Half a roll of hair coloring foil
* Two boxes black hair dye
* One box Light Reddish Blonde
* One box Red Penny
* One frost kit, color Champagne
* One box blonding kit
* Half a bottle of creme developer
* Two bottles of Special Effects Atomic Pink
* Two bottles of Adore Violet Gem
* One bottle of Adore Indigo blue
* One bottle of Adore Rich Fuchsia
* One bottle of Jazzing Mood Indigo
* One bottle of Avatar Crystal Clear
* One bottle White Out conditioning toner

The question is: WHAT do I do with it???

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