Wednesday, July 8, 2009

[info]susubug, last night was so much fun! Thank you for coming over and giving me a reason to cook! Even though I didn't score any lobster, the langoustine risotto was quite edible, and of course my mother's tomatoes were superb. Best of all, though, was the company and conversation; you are such a fun person to know. You give me hope that I'm gonna survive this divorce after all!

I got my order from Penzey's last week, and decided to christen my Cassia Cinnamon and China Ginger by trying their recipe for ginger snaps. The dough is currently chillaxin' in my fridge; I'll let you know how they turn out.

Speaking of the refrigerator, did you know that all the cold air that circulates through the fridge portion comes from the freezer? And that the fan is what circulates the cold air? And if your freezer is turned down too low, your fridge's ambient temperature remains higher? And that it takes 24 hours for a fridge to cool to a safe temperature (below 40 degrees)? I didn't - but I do now. And in case anyone who lives in the north Atlanta area was wondering, yes, Castleberry's is THE place to go for appliance repair.

So, now I've got Nesterino and Copper Top playing nicely, my kitchen clean, my bunny shedding, and I can't remember whether or not I took my Lisinopril this morning ... the headache I am currently experiencing might be an indicator that no, I have not. Think I'll dig up my monitor and check.

107/77. Think I'll take some aspirin.

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