Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oooh. I'm too old for this.

We met up with ADF at Medieval Times last night - fourteen of us in all. (I felt sorriest for Red and Tony, the only men there - they wanted to go to Bass Pro Shops, but nooooo .... ) Seven teenaged girls, all of them very attractive and dressed to the nines, and seven very tired adults! They changed the "show" a little - the knight we had last year, the Yellow Knight, was the Green Knight (bad guy) this year, and is still every bit as good a rider as he was before! Our knight, the Black and White Knight, was very short, but a good fighter and a good rider. All the girls were ga-ga over the knights, and Mo spoke to some of the better riders and exchanged emails with them. One of them even promised to come to the October show ... we'll see!

The Munchkin, Barn Hobbit, and I were so wound up that we didn't get to bed 'til three! Nine a.m. came waaaaaaay too early this morning ... I made them waffles for breakfast, and Kiraz just picked up her charge. We'll be meeting the Usual Suspects at Jason's Deli for lunch today. For our Sunday lunches with the Little Miss and Nesterino, Jason's has the perfect pair of attributes:

1. It's got food they'll eat.
2. It's already noisy.

I'm still having Lunch Wars with Copper Top. I know it's a control issue with him; his mother spends three hours making him the center of attention every evening at the dinner table, and he wants the same from me. Well, he's not gonna get it. He doesn't want to eat? Fine, he can get down. He won't starve.

Slogging my way through Microsoft Office 2007 - hopefully I can get myself certified before I even start taking courses! Dad talked to one of his fellow profs, and he thinks I should go into Web Design. Any opinions? Yes/no/maybe? I'd like to start school as soon as possible, so I can move forward with some sort of career that doesn't involve diapers or screaming toddlers.

I got an email from GypsyLady. Our hats will ship Monday! Woots all round!

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