Saturday, May 23, 2009

The cat is licking the desk.


On the fire for tonight: NOTHING.

Dress rehearsal went very well! Though I had a moment of panic in between completing Rhythm of the Laila and moving on to Sidi Mansour; I changed into my costume and realized I had FORGOTTEN THE DANCE. But as soon as the music started, I kicked back into gear, thank goodness! Oh, and the Special Guest Dancer is Tribal/Burlesque. This should prove interesting!

I have gotten addicted to Urban Decay makeup. Oops.

My laptop still isn't here. Darn.

The cat is now lounging against the keyboard and keeps JUg;khg,'d()_y6. Stupid cat.

I shall now watch "Whose Line" and contemplate whom I shall marry in my dream tonight. Hopefully not Kathy Kinney; that would be ... no. Just ... no.

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