Sunday, May 10, 2009


Yesterday was a "day off." (Right!) Though I did manage to score lunch with [info]susubug and a friend! I also made it to the farmer's market, where I dug up some fixin's for Big Joker to make coconut chicken soup for Sunday. I was having a terrible time finding kafir leaves, lemon grass, thyme, and celery ... so I figured, well, that's the breaks; if BHFM doesn't have it, chances are you don't really need it anyway ... but when I was getting nam pla in the Thai aisle, this guy with a name badge walks by and says, "Are you finding everything, ma'am?" I cheerfully told him, no, not really; he took immediate interest and said he would personally find me every item I was missing! He walked me back to the produce department, introduced me to the produce manager, and sent a bunch of guys scurrying around to get me what I wanted.

I guess it helps to have a nice rack, and look good in heels. You get such excellent customer service.

Anyway. Gotta run!

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