Saturday, May 23, 2009

I have very little to say, except that I got up way too early on a Saturday morning when I didn't need to.

I gate-crashed a party last night ... Warnerharmer and Big Joker were bringing the kids out for sushi to meet up with some friends for a birthday, and I hobbled along to help with the Little Miss and Nesterino (long, drawn-out grown-up dinners are not their "scene"). It was very enjoyable - the food and company were good, and it was nice being out and not a "mom" for a change.

Yeah, yeah, I know; in three years she'll be out of the house and I'll be hugging White Bunny and sobbing, "Where did my baby go?!" Maybe by then I'll have picked up a rich sugar daddy who will whisk me off to Italy after her graduation and spend his time lavishing me with gifts and gelato while we stroll down the Spanish Steps. Riiiiiiiight ... if Hypothetical Sugar Daddy only takes me to Rome, he is in so much trouble. And if HSD even suggests Pisa, I'm stealing his vintage 1947 MG TC Roadster and running off with the pool boy.

Has anyone ever heard the band Fair to Midland? The Munchkin got me on to them - kind of remind me of Asia, with a little dark metal thrown in there. Me likees. I also want to gank the new Dashboard Confessional. Oooh, I'm so EMO!!!! (dyes and spikes hair while wearing raccoon eye makeup and skinny jeans that make butt look like an ice cream cone)

I need a bigger iPod ... Barn Hobbit got a purple 8gb. I have iPod envy.

OK, I need to start chopping chicken and veggies for the soulvaki ... and putting more insta-tan on my bod. I hate the way this stuff smells!

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