Saturday, May 2, 2009

Doop dee doop dee dooo ....

It's amazing how, when you add up the drive to Beaver Spring, the drive from ADF to BS, loading up horses, driving them back to ADF, a double hunter/jumper lesson, driving back to BS, unloading horses and tack, you're stuck at home at 4:30 still waiting for the kids to call.

On the other hand, had a chance to color my hair. It's DARK. I like it!

I went to Dekalb Co. Farmer's Market today after dance practice. That's one of the only "grocery stores" I feel comfortable shopping in, wearing my harem pants and blue caftan. No one even gave me a second look!

Tonight: Dinner with Dee! I'm bringing insalata caprese, baguettes, olives nicoise, roasted red bell pepper with garlic and basil, and wine (white and red, since I don't know what the main course is). Tomorrow, dinner here ... turkey sausage lasagne with, um, whatever and Mom decide to bring.

The Munchkin and I worked on our Mother's Day choreography last night. We've got everything pretty much hammered out, now we have to practice it. It's FAST. Why on earth did we pick an electronica song?! There's perfectly good Tarkan!

Speaking of ...


He's just too cute.

OK ... I guess I'll go do something else now ...

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