Thursday, May 14, 2009


Let's try this again, shall we?

Friday night, show prep. Everything went very well ... I think we're actually getting the hang of this! We were done at nine pm, instead of the eleven thirty pm we're used to; at one point in the evening, Mo and I looked at each other with puzzled looks on our faces and said, "What's missing here? ... oh yeah, the panic!"

Saturday's show went pretty well - there was some drama that Mo and I had to deal with, but for the most part, "them Statham girls" did very well!



We went out with Mo and her family for Mexican afterwards, and ended up sitting chewing the fat until ten. Needless to say, the Munchkin and I were pretty tired the next day!

Sunday, the Munchkin and I finally worked up our choreography. I will NEVER leave it that late again. We looked cute, and the dance was adorable, but we kept forgetting stuff!

Kiraz and Barn Hobbit, dancing to the Turtles' "Happy Together":

And us, dancing to Hellogoodbye's "Touchdown Turnaround":

We opted out of the repeated backbends, and substituted omis and maias. My hips still hurt!

Anyway. We survived ... AND I got the most AWESOME Mother's Day gifts! Little Miss gave me a portable iPod player, Mom got me riding gloves, and the Munchkin got me this:

I have the most awesome friends and family in the freaking UNIVERSE.

Okay, so Copper Top is down for a nap, and I'm waiting on Dee's BIL to bring over and hang some mirrors in the basement. I'm paying him with lasagne, salad, and brownies. A man's heart is through his stomach!

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